Quick Take: Union of Concerned Scientists report: Freedom to Move (Part II)
Auto and oil industries have a vested interest in car dependence, currently receive more than 75 percent of the public transportation spending, and have lobbied for decades to prioritize cars over a more complete and affordable set of transportation options.
Quick Take: Union of Concerned Scientists report: Freedom to Move (Part I)
More transportation options such as transit, walking, and biking are good for the environment, the economy, and social equity.
Transit Tuesday: Noah Hull
Oahu, Hawaii, America Walks – I’vev spent my whole life on the island of Oahu, Hawaii and I’ve used public transit to get around since I was a college student.
Transit Tuesday: Liz Engle
Denver Streets Partnership, Denver, Colorado – It’s long past time that Members of Congress stop investing in a car-dependent transportation system and start making significant investments in public transit that gets people where they need to go.
Quick Take: Project 2025 is Donald Trump & the Republicans’ policy roadmap for our future on a wide array of issues, including public transportation.
Project 2025 calls for the elimination of funding for the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) core formula programs and its discretionary Capital Investment Grants (CIG) program.” Eliminating these funding streams would harm transit authorities’ ability to do regular and essential maintenance to ensure that our transit systems run smoothly and are safe.
Transit Advocates Call on Justice Department to Adopt Accessibility Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way
In a letter to Assistant Attorney General Clarke, the National Campaign for Transit Justice and transit groups from across the country called on the Department of Justice to adopt the Accessibility Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (PROWAG). The full text of the letter can be found below. Dear Assistant Attorney General Clarke: […]
Moving Transit Forward National Sign-on Letter

We offer our full support of Senators Van Hollen and Fetterman’s “Moving Transit Forward Act.” The bill will provide greater quality transit to communities across the country.
EARTH DAY: It’s Time to Make Better Transportation Decisions

Earth Day is a time when we consider how decisions we make this year, and next, will impact the future happiness and health of the people we love, and all people on the planet. One crucial part of this is how we move ourselves and goods from place to place. Earth Day is more than a time for reflection — it is a call to action.
More Than 100 Transit and Environmental Groups Demand Congress Keep Promise Of The Infrastructure Bill And Fully Fund Transit In This Year’s Appropriations
Today, more than 100 transit and environmental groups sent a letter to the Chair and Ranking Member of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees demanding that they keep the promise of the bipartisan infrastructure bill and fully fund transit throughout the Fiscal Year 2025 appropriations process. The letter, which was organized by the National Campaign […]
Report: Good Transit Requires Well Paid Union Workers

In the last two decades, starting wages for our nation’s bus operators have fallen seriously behind the cost of living. Along with a host of unsatisfactory working conditions, the result has been a historic, and in many cases dire, volume of vacancies for frontline transit operations jobs. This state of affairs has resulted in less-frequent, less-reliable service for riders and, in an increasing number of cases, devastating service cuts. This report presents bus operator wages as compared with Area Median Income in 30 cities across the U.S. Before it is too late, our decision makers must do everything in their power to make sure frontline transit workers are paid a living wage and that local transit agencies can sustain their critical workforce.