Press releases

More Than 125 Leading Environmental and Transportation Groups Urge Biden Administration To Move Faster On Greenhouse Gas Rule 

The groups released a letter organized by the National Campaign for Transit Justice and signed by Transportation for America, U.S. PIRG, NRDC,, Union of Concerned Scientists, Sierra Club, National Association of City Transportation Officials, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy and many others to Transportation Secretary Buttigieg and OMB Director Young expressing concern and urging action.

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More Than 100,000 Comments In Support Of DOT Greenhouse Gas Rule Submitted During Comment Period 

“The climate crisis is not coming. It is here now. And given that urgency, we need the Administration to act quickly finalizing this rule to meet the moment and the crisis we are in,” said LeeAnn Hall, campaign director National Campaign for Transit Justice. “The huge number of comments show there is overwhelming public support for this rule. We can’t afford to wait any longer.”

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