Toolkit: A Guide to Congressional Townhalls

Congressional Town Hall meetings are public events where community members are invited to share their views on issues with their Senators and Representatives. These meetings allow elected representatives to hear directly from their constituents and to explain their positions on the issues.  Participating in a Town Hall is important. The fight in Congress is never […]

Know Your Rights on Public Transit

Know your rights cards are a simple, powerful tool for interactions with immigration agents. The following file has printable information in both English and Spanish for situations where immigration agents board public transit or approach individuals in transit stations and at stops.

Presentation: Models for State DOT Reform

Miami Metrobus

Hear from organizers in Colorado, Minnesota, and Virginia on their efforts to reform state DOTs, what they’ve learned, and their advice for others taking on similar efforts in their states.

How to Host a Roundtable Discussion 

A roundtable discussion enables us to explore several perspectives about the need for public transportation in your community and connect those perspectives to decision-makers. It involves a moderator and speakers who have been identified to share a specific perspective on Public Transit. It is an organized conversation with one moderator, several chosen speakers who bring […]