Quick Take: Union of Concerned Scientists report: Freedom to Move (Part iV)

The What:

The Union of Concerned Scientists released its report, “Freedom to Move: Investing in Transportation Choices for a Clean, Prosperous, and Just Future.”

The report’s conclusions are summarized below:

Greatly Expand Transportation Options

  • Establish a program for funding for federal transit operations.
  • Increase federal assistance and funding for small-town and rural transit
  • Flex federal highway formula funding for transportation options.
  • Fund transit, pedestrian, and biking infrastructure through state and local legislation and referenda


Make Transportation Decisions through an Equity and Climate Lens

  • Adopt a moratorium on highway expansion projects until equity, climate, and maintenance goals are met.
  • Set federal and state metrics for transportation greenhouse gas emissions
  • Require roadway expansion projects to assess and mitigate climate and air pollution emissions.
  • Ensure that benefits of transportation investments serve historically marginalized communities.


Increase the Freedom to Move, Together – is a call to action.

 The most recent reauthorization contained in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is set to expire in September 2026; the next reauthorization is a critical opportunity for clean and just transportation policy. Members of Congress, especially those on key committees, need to hear from communities themselves about the importance of more transportation options, accountability to communities for climate and equity in decisionmaking, and community voice in transportation decisionmaking.

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